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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Attaching the roof to the my version of the Chantilly was more time consuming than I figured. There were a lot of little gaps that need patched.
The back wall peak needed to be filled.

Also how the back of the roof is raised, that left a gap in the ceiling.

They were filled and I added some support beams.
Should I leave them as they are, or paint them white?

A little picture a mini friend shared with me.

This is how I was thinking that I would have the kitchen layout - with a fridge added to the right of the bay window.

But I think I like this better.

So this is how the Chantilly back is supposed to look:

photo from Greenleaf where the kit can be purchased.

This is how my layout looks:

As I was staring at it today (partly in frustration) I was thinking that the porch is pretty useless.
I took some bits of scrap and made the levels deeper.

But then I was thinking how cool would a wrap around porch be?
I removed the second floor porch to make the first floor, and used other wood that is a little thicker to make the second floor.

This is how the kits recommends making the house:
Here is mine. The window in the bedroom side will be turned into a door for access to the porch.

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