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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Grandma's Dresser

I have had her High Boy (Is that what this is called?) but it is to tall to fit in any of my houses. She made this from a kit at least 20 years ago. I used a box from a drug rep that came from work. Papered the back with victorian paper from Itsy Bitsy Mini, placed a scrap of wood flooring down with a rug that my Grandma made and stood her hand made umbrella against the dresser. The kitten hiding under the dresser also belonged to Grandma. The mirror and purses are just little items I had on hand. I am thinking of putting my Grandparents wedding photo on the wall, along with my Dad's Army photo. I know they are not victorian, but that is ok.
This is how the box looked when I brought it home:



  1. Beautiful memories of your grandmama. The box is wonderful, and a lovely way to display this gorgeous piece of furniture your grandmother made. This hobby is in your genes.

  2. I loved the furniture and how decorated the box. The ornament of corn at the door is beautiful!
    * I was touched by the loving way you refer to your grandmother ...

  3. I'm here! LOL I'm feeling much better and starting to catch up on everyone's blogs! Your roombox is very nice. It's a great way to remember your grandma. =)
