Sunday, February 24, 2019

Time to get lit!

A miniature hobby itself is expensive. Adding electrical to each scene... yikes

My minis are mostly in my mini room. The only scene that is in the main living space is my holiday corner unit. Even though we now live further away from our family, we seem to have more visitors. I decided to clean this piece up and add a little lighting. Nothing draws more attention to miniatures than electrical.

I have to pick up some thin strips of wood that can trim out each floor. Also some Christmas lights on the tree would be nice.


Halloween (need to touch up paint and add the rest of the fence)

Thanksgiving (needs family pics and crown molding)


For Valentines day, my daughter bought me a box of Kisses.
I see a future tiny Valentine display in each Kiss cut out

Purchased this little kit:
I did not add the sailboat, as it seems way off scale.

Instructions were in Chinese, but kindly they added in English to read first.

At least the pictures were clear to follow - for the most part.

I added real sand to the base

It was a fun little project, so I ordered this one:

I'm not very far yet. I need to focus and get my Mom's planter finished.

Papered the inside of this plastic holder to display my Bespaq tea cart

Not sure what to do with the exterior yet

Remember Mom's porch?

I have reached a stand still on this. Just need to focus and start working

Visited my aunt a couple weeks ago.
She has these little Star Wars people!


  1. I love the little Star Wars figures!

  2. Lighting does indeed make all the difference especially if there are any dark corners in a display, so your corner unit is sure to draw lots of attention!

    And I LOVE your beach house too! :D


  3. Hello Audra,
    Lighting really transforms a miniature house and your settings are fantastic. Great job on the new kit, it is a lovely home.
    Big hug

  4. It's always so much fun to see your past and ongoing projects, and what a treat to have so many choices to work on when the mood strikes! Your creative use of containers and packaging is always inspiring, too!

  5. Awesome job on the little Beach House (Glad you read those instructions first, aren't you?)! Why the stand still on Mom's Porch? It looks really cute: you need to finish it up!

    1. I am going over to my mom's tomorrow to take more pics of things myself - - hope to have this finished in the next couple of weeks!
      I'll post about the update in Chinese!

    2. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I better start brushing up on my Mandarin (or will it be in Cantonese?)! LOL

  6. I also think that lighting changes a lot. It adds a bit of life to the miniatures.
    I love the beach house!
